£22.00 – £82.99
PX-Ornikill for disease prevention when vacuuming gutters is important to keep you and your operatives safe and your system disease free. PX®-Ornikill contains a powerful biocide which kills the bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and rikettsiales (including Chlamydia, E coli O157, Salmonella, Listeria and Cryptococcus and others) commonly associated with pigeons, starlings, gulls and other pest birds.
You or your operatives when clearing up bird droppings run the risk of inhaling dust containing micro-organisms which potentially could cause ornithosis, psittacosis, histoplasmosis, salmonellosis and other serious diseases.
By treating the gutters or other surfaces with one of our chemical sprayers where birds are known to have been present with PX®-Ornikill, before, during and after commencement of work, the risk of disease transfer is greatly reduced. This includes treating your equipment as well to avoid transferring this risk further.
Normal dilution 1:50.
Dilution of 1:10 to treat dead birds and nesting materials.
Contains Chlorhexidine and QAC (<7.5%).
As a biocide on surfaces: Use a 1:50 dilution of the product in clean water ie. dilute 100ml with 5 litres of water and spray the gutters using a 5 litre pneumatic sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle. This solution may be used on birds’ landing, nesting, roosting areas as a preventative measure to protect workers operating on such surfaces.
Removing bird droppings: Use a 1:50 dilution of the product in clean water and spray over the droppings prior to the commencement of works. Ensure you spray enough solution on to each fresh layer of droppings as it is exposed to keep down dust and kill organisms. Use 1:10 dilution to treat dead birds, collected nests and other such materials.
Treat your gutter vacuum with the same dilution rate and wipe all surfaces thoroughly.
Treatment of contaminated gutters:
• Apply diluted solutions by sprayer, cloth or mop etc. When spraying aim to apply the solution until surfaces are thoroughly wetted down but before run-off occurs.
• Diluted down solutions should be freshly and accurately prepared in clean containers using clean water.
• The product can be diluted into trigger-sprays for use on all hard surfaces including glass work if required.
• PX-Ornikill is not harshly corrosive to materials but care should be taken to prevent gross run-off from applications to building and other structured surfaces. Avoid run-off impinging on passers-by, vehicles, walkway surfaces, fabrics, other materials, ponds, gardens, etc.
PX-Ornikill Datasheet
PX-Ornikill 1L Label
PX-Ornikill 5L Label